Help with first grow under lights

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some may recall I am an outdoor grower.
however this year I got a grow box with a plan on starting early and then moving outdoors when spring hits.
mans also something to do when it’s winter.
It’s not a large box and I’ve never grown under lights before.
Anyway I have what I think is light burn
The light is as high as it goes and I’ve since dimmed it down so it’s not so bright.
Temps seem to be ok as I’ve never seen above 25 or so.

look like light burn ? If so with dimmed lights will she pull through ok?


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Forum Pisshead
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What light are u using mate,

Looks like a bit of overwatering to me.
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It’s a Samsung 120w led

I’ll try less water but I’m pretty confident in watering. I had just watered when I took the picture.
Thanks. Just want to get into the swing if things before I sprout a few for spring outdoors.
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Well I dunno. First plant died.
mascons looked good until anger days ago.
I know it looks over watered but I just watered it after letting it get pretty dry.
Never had these issues outdoors.B9C73041-03CD-4C09-8521-E1AE34290589.jpeg6676B136-43CD-441D-AC15-C5710E676B71.jpeg


Staff member
Community Member
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Yeah Harry,,,

Anger will fuckup the mascons in the blink of an eye.

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Any idea about this one ? Growing well enough but the tips going light. Is it light burn or something ?

The one a little younger isn’t doing it

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