Hello forum


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G'day all TSE members,

I'm pleased to join you all here, having stumbled across this place in my recent travels on the interwebs, trying to catch up on the scene. It's been a number of years since I was involved with this sort of thing, and a lot has changed!

After a 7 year hiatus, I decided during lockdown to pickup where I left off and dust off my old gear/supplies and try out some new toys. So far so good, even if it's just using the family seed collection (a whole story that one is). It does seem like getting proper seed these days is a lot easier, but haven't yet gone down that path. Years ago, I was lucky enough to get a cut of a known strain from a guy I new.

Anyhow - not sure how active I'll be as a member, but glad to make myself known all the same. Have even spotted a member or two I recognise from the OzStoner site I once frequented - seems like this place has taken over?

All the best,

- I picked this username as I happen to have a model kit of ED-209 sitting in the room with me... I just glanced over and thought sure, let's pick that as a username... then it occurred to me it is the model number of a police enforcement drone from a dystopian police film... maybe not the best choice? oh well... a bit late now. Rest assured I still have my fathers little sign hanging on my wall: Dope Smokers Warning: Authority is a Health Hazard

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Resident Celebrity
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Welcome Ed, love the name by the way, I might have to do a re-watch, it's been too long.


HPS turncoat
Community Member
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then it occurred to me it is the model number of a police enforcement drone from a dystopian police film... maybe not the best choice? oh well... a bit late now.
We see right though this officer!
We are pretty smart ol stoners!
Nice try but!

As for mentioning that other forum, you usually get a month ban! 🤣 but we'll let it slide this time🤣

Few house rules we abide by,

1. Do not poke the angry bear (Pedro) about climate change or LEDs, or expect a robust discussion Ps: he likes China and the Politics but...

2: start a diary, with lotta pic! We all luv pics!

3: watch out for a member named Porky, he keeps on droning on and and on abouts haw good LEDs are, just ignore him and stick to HPS!

4: advised but not compulsory, you must be stoned before you log in!

Other then that, enjoy ya self ED!

Welcome aboard!


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
We see right though this officer!
We are pretty smart ol stoners!
Nice try but!

As for mentioning that other forum, you usually get a month ban! 🤣 but we'll let it slide this time🤣

Few house rules we abide by,

1. Do not poke the angry bear (Pedro) about climate change or LEDs, or expect a robust discussion Ps: he likes China and the Politics but...

2: start a diary, with lotta pic! We all luv pics!

3: watch out for a member named Porky, he keeps on droning on and and on abouts haw good LEDs are, just ignore him and stick to HPS!

4: advised but not compulsory, you must be stoned before you log in!

Other then that, enjoy ya self ED!

Welcome aboard!
Dotts forgot to mention he is the captain of the salt light brigade!!
Ya have to be over 50 to join!! 🤣


User ID
Well aren't you all a nice bunch, thank you very much for the warm welcome.

Glad to get some tips on the goings on here and how to behave! I'll be mindful of them rules going forward 🤭 not looking for a ban on my first day

It's amazing how much things have changed since I last give this all a look. Fancy LEDs are now the go, and access to info and supplies is a lot easier. I'm still somewhat oldschool in my attitude to things (thanks to my old man) but I am happy to embrace the new and make use of my horticultural and botany studies. Need a hobby with all these lockdowns too!

A great time to be welcomed back to the fold and find some like minded people to have a yarn with - coz my partner and cat are getting pretty sick of me by now


User ID
Also, since you said you like pics, here's a snap shot - 7 "bag seed" in week 3F. Looking for something I like from the family seed stash, not going for maximum yield just yet. Ended up with 7 females from a start of 25 seeds which I slowly whittled down since sprout. Only had to cull two males by the time I was in 12/12 which is a pretty good outcome. Two of them aren't ideal phenos, but the rest look OK. Have cuts of each so can decide what to work with again later on.

1.2x1.2 with a MH FC4800. Running GH H3adz formula for as long as my old bottles last


User ID
Oh no!

We can't be friends! 🤣

Haha, well look I do have a decent HPS setup still from last time - a Solistek 600w digital balast and globes. But given lockdown I wasn't able to get access to it in storage. Also thought I'd try out this new LED gizmo and see how it works. It ain't any of that silly purple light which is a nice change from what I thought LEDs were about. In truth, I dig the old lamp and the extra heat for the winter grow also. I'm kinda technology agnostic as long as it does the job, and so far it seems to be doing OK.

I'd rather use the sun anyhow if I really had the option! 🌞🌞🌞

Ganja Kaiser

User ID

Haha, well look I do have a decent HPS setup still from last time - a Solistek 600w digital balast and globes. But given lockdown I wasn't able to get access to it in storage. Also thought I'd try out this new LED gizmo and see how it works. It ain't any of that silly purple light which is a nice change from what I thought LEDs were about. In truth, I dig the old lamp and the extra heat for the winter grow also. I'm kinda technology agnostic as long as it does the job, and so far it seems to be doing OK.

I'd rather use the sun anyhow if I really had the option! 🌞🌞🌞
Mate I've been wanting to post this track for @Porky and @Pedro de pacas for weeks!!! lol
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