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Yup looks as though you've got some bud rot happening there


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Thanks to all . and the cause is not enough air movement or humidity????


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Thanks for the help.
Am starting to think I might of caused the problem . The post are maybe a bit small and are fairly root bound and I may have kept them a bit wet. Noticed last water how slow the water was soaking in


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Possibly. Gotta keep the air exchange rate up (air flow), and humidity below 65% during budding.


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Yep Queensland. Humidity went up to 85% for about a week . They were looking ok then but no so good now. Have ordered 2 more clip on fans. At the moment have a inline pushing in the bottom a infinity out the top and one clip on ...


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Not sure if clip on fans would be enough, mate. It's probably more of a case you have to suck that humidity out of the grow space, because it can build quickly. Clip seal fans mightn't do much at all apart from swirling the humidity and mold spores around.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Turn up your exhaust/extraction to full speed. Chuck in another oscillating fan or two. Cut off the rotting cola tops, and monitor daily. Keep on flowering as buds don't look ready yet. Unless most of your colas have some rot, in which case you're better off harvesting now.


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Thank you Indy and Old fox good advise . this newbe just learnt a lesson . Am sure I have a few more to go:(


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DO NOT. DO NOT. DO NOT be opening up those buds in the growspace. If you open them up that will release mould spores throughout the whole grow space. If you decide to keep the rest going and remove those affected buds, CAREFULLY and I mean VERY FUCKIN CAREFULLY place a plastic bag over the bud and seal it. Then cut the stem below the bag. Then remove the bud, still sealed in the bag, from your grow space. This will reduce the spores spreading.

The mould has most likely developed where the leaf meets the stem. The leaf junction has been damaged, the damage has allowed the stem to weep inside of the bud, where the air flow is nil and that moisture has allowed the mould to flourish inside.

I do agree with Indy, clip on fans maybe OK for circulation BUT you NEED to get rid of that moisture from the entire growspace. The clip ons are only going to recirculate that high humidity air, ya need to piss it off out of you space entirely.


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DO NOT. DO NOT. DO NOT be opening up those buds in the growspace. If you open them up that will release mould spores throughout the whole grow space. If you decide to keep the rest going and remove those affected buds, CAREFULLY and I mean VERY FUCKIN CAREFULLY place a plastic bag over the bud and seal it. Then cut the stem below the bag. Then remove the bud, still sealed in the bag, from your grow space. This will reduce the spores spreading.

The mould has most likely developed where the leaf meets the stem. The leaf junction has been damaged, the damage has allowed the stem to weep inside of the bud, where the air flow is nil and that moisture has allowed the mould to flourish inside.

I do agree with Indy, clip on fans maybe OK for circulation BUT you NEED to get rid of that moisture from the entire growspace. The clip ons are only going to recirculate that high humidity air, ya need to piss it off out of you space entirely.
Excellent advice and very pertinent


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Thanks everyone . Decided to cut the whole plant. By removing the mould I also made more room in the tent. 2 buds to compost and the rest hanging up to dry bit of a shame Gelato was coming along nice. Live and learn ( hopefully)
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