Hash oil from R.S.O

afghan bob

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U all remember the hash oil we used 2 get back in early 80's in double 0 gelcaps, thick and black with distinctive smell when rubbed over a ciggie
My question is, the r.s.o that we all make up from time 2 time, is this compareable or are their additives required 2 bring the sticky icky in 2 the realms of hash oil ?
Can it be mixed with spin or lace the side of ciggie or even smoked on it's own or does it have 2 be mixed with stuff they put in vape pens
If u can just mix with some sorta emolient or oil base 2 pour into gel caps would this be considered hash oil
I always make my r.s.o with pure flower and suga-leaf and iso as the purge
Please enlighten me

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Exactly the same way Bob as far as I know , even in the day a ounce of oil was more expensive than all else

Good gold hash , 400 oz 40 yrs ago

Oil was dearer

As soon as the buds became more expensive, the oil wasn't seen anywhere

Unless you made your own I guess
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