Hallucinogenic Spinach ? PM me if you're interested. I have a fair bit.

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HPS turncoat
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"Those who became sick experienced a range of symptoms, including serious hallucinations, delirium, blurred vision, dilated pupils and fever."

Any guesses what the "weed" could be?


User ID
The offending weed is deadly nightshade. Weeding was not done properly due to staff shortages.
Will be an expensive oversight.

Yeah, destroying the crop/s will be the least of their concerns.

These poor/dumb bastards that sign contracts to supply these big food chains have basically conjured the death knell of their business by doing so. And the only way for them to turn a profit is to cut corners until it all goes arse up. Then the corporations are on the lookout for the next sucker.


User ID
These blokes are not going broke anytime soon.
They pay below award and exploit overseas workers.
They were digging their crops back into the ground 18 months ago rather than pay locals a decent wage to pick them.
Not interested!


User ID
The offending weed is deadly nightshade. Weeding was not done properly due to staff shortages.
Will be an expensive oversight.
Fuck me dead! ...what kind of numpty can't tell the difference between belladonna and spinach 😳

EDIT : I see you already answered that question above
They pay below award and exploit overseas workers.


User ID
These blokes are not going broke anytime soon.
They pay below award and exploit overseas workers.
They were digging their crops back into the ground 18 months ago rather than pay locals a decent wage to pick them.
Not interested!

Who is it?


User ID
Fuck me dead! ...what kind of numpty can't tell the difference between belladonna and spinach 😳

EDIT : I see you already answered that question
Machine harvested, Spinach is dark green color as well.
Not as dark as Deadly Nightshade but I can see how this happened.
It is the weeding that the overseas workers would have been doing.

QLD guy

User ID
These blokes are not going broke anytime soon.
They pay below award and exploit overseas workers.
They were digging their crops back into the ground 18 months ago rather than pay locals a decent wage to pick them.
Not interested!
Yeah right...you have no idea...Can you explain to me how they pay below award wages and "exploit" overseas workers..?

Also how many "locals" do you think would have left there comfy homes 18 months ago and given up their double dole to weed spinach out in the boonies...
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