Guerilla Plot Recipe


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Whats you recipe for amendments to native soils for the spring time guerilla grow season?
I am trying to work out some basic additives and ferts to prepare a couple of small plots.
Prefer organic, living soil style amendments where I can mainly just rely on watering for most of veg and then re-apply for flower
Any links appreciated too.

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Not strictly organic but I noticed the Green Planet Backcountry line of controlled release nutes for grow, boost and bloom.
Also considering the Green House Bio Grow and Bloom as a top dress guerilla fert too but these options may be overkill and pricey for bush grown buds.


Forum Pisshead
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I mix up my own soils consisting of chicken manure cow manure mushroom compost organic compost coffee grinds and a few bags of good potting mix with slow release. Let that sit for a couple months then plant straight into it. Works out pretty cheap.


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Regular organic chook shit ferts. Try to find one with all trace elements included like katec super growth. Rather than taking soil in do the leg work out bush and find some 'suitable grow spots with decent soil and access to water. Take a rake in and bags to collect mulch to enrichen your plot. Take a compass with you so you can predict where the sun will rise and fall over the seasons.

First thing first though go out take some pics and tell us what you reckon might be good. There's nothing more rewarding than even the most modest guerilla grow.

Joe Dirte

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Sound advice above, I have not much to add! I'm a big fan of mixing in some gypsum and dolomite as a boost for magnesium and calcium, also the other benefits of buffering ph and helping breaking apart clay overtime. Pelletised chook pellets are great and easy to carry in for top dresses all veg season than granular potash as a top dress for flower!! Quality compost is the best organic amendment for all soil types, prep hikes now in the cool of winter and lug as much in as possible whilst cool. Lantana patches are a great cover and offer nice soil generally, can burrow in under them and clear out the middle. Free fencing and all and they are always where it's Sunny!! Go for a north facing slope if you can find and I prefer to walk grow material downhill and pounds back up rather than the other way. Not to forget you can siphon water easy downhill, nice and quietly đź‘Ś
Best of luck, love a guerilla grow, it's hard work but very fun as well 🙌


Sultan Of Soil
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use a cover crop or green manure crop , a bag of seeds are easy to carry in
they will inoculate the plots & become mulch once you chop & drop

minerals are a handy one to use , rock dust , gypsum , dolomite

water is the main thing to sort out with a guerilla grow i think , it's one of the main things that can stress a plant out
in tern that stress can attract pests & disease to your plant
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