G'day from Victoristan


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G'day cunts. How the fuck are ya?

Glad I found this forum! I've been lurking around a few sites but you can't beat an Aussie community.

I'm new to gardening, smoked a little in my teens/twenties but went off it for a bit, paranoia was fucking it all up. Anyways, the missus got crook and is having regular chemo, so I'm growing some weed to help her manage. Bonus is I can get high every night :cool:

I did my first grow last summer, just threw some autos into 12L pots with some potting mix, and stunted most of it... Managed to harvest enough to see us through till this season, so that's good.
I've done a heap of research over the last 6 months, and I'm hoping my second grow works out better. I'm on a budget so it's outdoor. I'm popping one Zkittles auto now to get an early harvest, and putting in a couple of photos next month. Dunno what strain yet, waiting for some Herbies beans to get through customs.... if they get through it will be Apple Betty and Grandmommy Purple.... If not, I've ordered some Gorilla Glue from CG as a backup.... I'll crank up a diary so I can get some pro tips from you lot!


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Kee Mao

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Sawatdee khrap 🙏
welcome to TSE
An auto planted outside in Vic this time of year won’t yield much. Those photos will be the go.

afghan bob

Community Member
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Get those lil auto puppies inside under some sorta light in coco 4 about a month before throwing them in the real world of Vic springtime if u wanna have half a chance of decent buds in 80 days time

U could do same with photos 2 get ahead just like Charlie did with pillow over his mum's head
Wonder if scotland yard checked 4 fingerprints on all pillows and corgies at the crime scene


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Get those lil auto puppies inside under some sorta light in coco 4 about a month before throwing them in the real world of Vic springtime if u wanna have half a chance of decent buds in 80 days time

U could do same with photos 2 get ahead just like Charlie did with pillow over his mum's head
Wonder if scotland yard checked 4 fingerprints on all pillows and corgies at the crime scene
Yep that's the plan Bob. I got one of those little grow lights from bunnings.... dunno if links are allowed but here it is https://www.bunnings.com.au/home-grown-indoor-garden_p0191124

So yeah, 4 weeks under that to get the seedlings cranking, then into a big pot in a little greenhouse for a bit, then out she goes for the summer sun.

I've mixed up some super soil, 1 part coco, 1 part organic compost, 1 part perlite, and cooked that for a couple of months with Dr Greenthumbs super soil kit. Hoping for water only but will probably need to amend the photos late in the season I reckon.

Sawatdee khrap Kee Mao 🙏 :)
Yep, I'm not looking for a big yield on the auto.... just an early harvest to replenish the stocks so to speak...


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Welcome to TSE Rocket.
Thankyou Sedge


Good luck mate.

Has your missus looked into medical cannabis
Thanks Bienvenue, yep we tried but her specialist won't prescribe it, so we decided to grow. Last year I grew both CBD and THC strains and I have enough CBD tincture to last a couple of years, but we're running out of THC buds. She likes the CBD for the nausea, and the THC to help her sleep. She doesn't like smoking or vaping so I make cookies and gummies.
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