Gday from SE QLD


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Hi all,
Been growing for a short time only and had a few hiccups so hopefully i can gain some betters skills and knowledge from other like minded people. I started growing due to my wife's medical issues and haven't looked back since. Thanks for letting me be part of what looks like a great forum! Cheers

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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
Community Member
User ID
Hi all,
Been growing for a short time only and had a few hiccups so hopefully i can gain some betters skills and knowledge from other like minded people. I started growing due to my wife's medical issues and haven't looked back since. Thanks for letting me be part of what looks like a great forum! Cheers
G'day ozjoker. Medical need for cannabis is a powerful motivator to quickly learn to grow for self sufficiency. I grow for my daughter's medical needs, as well as my enjoyment of a few joints every day. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
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