From Coco to Terra/Soil


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I have my main grow in 180mm pots of coco with Canna Nutes run to waste (pain in the arse)

I need to transplant up to 300mm but i want to use Canna Terra and change to organic liquids

Anyone done this with larger than seedling or clone? My head says it should be fine. Will they be ok?

Should i flush the coco before i transplant?image0.jpeg

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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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No reason they shouldn't be able to go into peat ( Canna terra) from Coco. They may suffer some initial shock until you dial in fertigation to new medium. I wouldn't flush before repotting, in order to maintain existing e.c. in medium around the root ball during transition . Your plants look real healthy btw.

afghan bob

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Mate i mix the 2 together, [coco and terra] at about 60-40
Give it a go and add extra perlite, terra got about a handful per bag
At least that way if u worried about shock only equates 2 seen grandma in her undies 4 first time(y)
They get over it pretty quickly.....[or burnt into vision 4ever]
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Thanks guys.. Just waiting for my yellow bottles and ill give it a go. They are getting a bit woody and need a repot soon.


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I've seen it about, but never given much attention to it. I'm interested to see how it goes for ya (y)


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They are not looking terribly good this morning.. Seems they are in a bit of shock. Hopefully they get over it fast.


The man your mother warned you about.
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I remember wanting to try the yellow years back ,,then musta forgotten about it ,,
be keen to see if the ultra ,,if that’s the right name,,,actually brings on flowering quicker like they claim.


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Shit yeah.. I definitely overwatered post transplant but 36 hours later they are looking much better.

Leaves are straightening and it looks like they are growing. They got a bit woody in the small pots so ill give them 10 days or so of growing in the new medium and nutes before i flip.

image1 (1).jpeg


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Today is a week post transplant.. 3 of the predator are sick 2 of which i think will recover ok but will be small as they have not been able to grow. Acapulco gold was the fastest to recover, Almost no shock or stress with those. 6 of the 9 recovered and are growing but they have not been watered or fed yet apart from just a small amount in the saucers for them to suck up. 2 of the 3 that are sick can not be watered as they are not drinking and pots are still heavy.

They will probably only get one feed before i flip and maybe kill the really sick one if its not improving in the next few days. Overall it was a success but not an ideal thing to do. I definitely would have had better canopy at this point if i didn't do this..

I only have a iphone 7 but i thought it could take better pics than this.. No idea what i am doing. Anyone know why my pics are so shit quality?

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