First taste of the Cheese

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Goonie Goat

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Hahaha yeah this is mild. Needs a solid cure. But unless it’s rapidly improves, it’s not a keeper flower. Massive dumper though so it has wash potential.
I've heard you can get a proper cheese pheno in the greenhouse seeds cheese, but you have to sift through atleast 30 plants to get one they reckon.

That bud looks great though, nice job👌🏻


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My partner in crime is running triple cheese the last run he did blue cheese hands down my favourite strain of all I remember it back in the uk that’s all you could get cheese or some cheese cross strain . Mmmmm stinky n taste that don’t quit .
Barney's original blue cheese is one of my all time favourites! Pretty sure we have a couple of mutual acquaintances, hit me up through the tassie telegraph is you ever need a hand brother.


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Never had the chance to run any cheese but one orange creamsicle pheno had a mean cheese funk. Smelled like a fresh pack of cheesles in the bag and was a nice change from the usual fruits as of late.

Bloody nice bud. Havent had trichs like that for a while.
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