Evening all


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I have been lurking about for quiet a while, best I introduce myself, I am not a smoker but make tinctures and creams mainly for arthritis. My adventure started with a gift of 5 Top Tao Auto Regular seeds (Blueberry) in 2017, these have been my mainstay for breeding and making regular several auto strains. 4 generations of back crossing usually does it.
My grow shed is a converted chook shed with acrylic tranparent light roof, so I grow with natural light


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The Dwarf Hermie King
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That's a nice stealth set-up mate!!
You have fans for air movement??
Ever had mould troubles??


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The shed is carefully designed to maximize natural air flow with vents at top and bottom.
Last year was the only time, I pruned and harvested early.


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I have wildly swinging temperatures up to 40 degrees in summer I cover roof with one of two types shade cloth. The original TAO seeds are naturally field grown (cast seed) in Czech Republic and very tough.I would like to hear from anyone growing under these conditions.My best yield so far from auto was just over 100 grams dried bud

afghan bob

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If u can somehow get those temps stabilized at around 30, u should double or even triple your weight no.
with techniques learnt on here
Trial and error


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Thanks for the comments, I am looking forward to spring as I realize that I have hit a genetic bottle neck with my best cross being skunk #1 / blueberry. I have had a little package arrive containing Durban Poison Auto Regular seeds as well as Jack Herer Auto. This being the way I am heading into Auto Regular strains which I can leave as my legacy as I am nearing the end of my life on this earth.


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Nice chook shed mate and sorry to hear that your time is limited but it is great to hear that you're throwing pollen around and making genetics that will outlive you. People that want statues or to live on in the memory of others are fine and all but those that intend on leaving a genetic legacy behind like you are will have their impact on this earth last as long as humanity does itself.


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My apologies for sounding maudlin for things are great in my life, its simply time.

The making of cream.
I use alcohol as my solvent 90% + ABV, decarb, and just cover buds with solvent,
wait and shake at odd times for 24 hrs. You now have your basic tinture, if you want you can reduce tinture by 50% by gentle heating, no flames please.
This is now very strong. Two dropper fulls of this (after about 30 minutes) can send you on a journey for 4-8 hrs.
I do not mess with the cream, just use basic moisturising cream with tinture added.

About the alcohol. The doorway is to google Aussie distillers.
I also do a cold whole plant extraction, -20 degrees c (crank down controller on chest freezer)
Wait 6 months for natural decarb and you have a tinture capturing all cannaboids , magic stuff.

In my personel experience the cream relieves aches and pains from arthritis in hands and feet, it also has a healing effect on rashes and skin conditions.


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Mate, that's fantastic info! Thanks so much for sharing your recipes. I have a missus and a little one with eczema and I've been looking for a good natural remedy for ages.


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Mate, that's fantastic info! Thanks so much for sharing your recipes. I have a missus and a little one with eczema and I've been looking for a good natural remedy for ages.
Feel free to contact me, eczema is tricky, my tinture uses alcohol as solvent and can be a bit strong. I would use sunflower oil as solvent. Put buds in jar (skunk or heavy indica if you can) cover with oil, put in pot of water bring to boil then simmer for one hour (it will decarb at this temp) you will then get full cannaboid (20 +) extraction. Cool .You now have decarbed bud in oil. Try , then keep in cool dark place and try again two weeks later, it will need time to settle and complete extraction. This will give extraction rate of about 60% of alcohol, but will be very gentle, just apply dont make cream.
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Anyone to help with best strains to use ???

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