Eat mushrooms to reduce risk of cancer

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Just read this on the Daily Mail...

Eating just one medium mushroom a day can reduce your risk of CANCER by 45%, study claims
  • US researchers link higher mushroom consumption with a lower risk of cancer
  • Only 18g of mushrooms reduced the risk of getting the disease by 45 per cent
  • This is enough to fill around one eighth to one quarter of a cup, the experts say

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Aye Shroomer

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Check out a guy called Paul staments.
American mushroom guru.

Ones like reishi and turkey tail have amazing qualities. I have a good culture growing on agar of lions mane. I’m waiting on better growing medium to start growing them.


HPS turncoat
Community Member
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Check out a guy called Paul staments.
American mushroom guru.

Ones like reishi and turkey tail have amazing qualities. I have a good culture growing on agar of lions mane. I’m waiting on better growing medium to start growing them.
Smart man indeed!

Some of his trip reports are wild!

Wont even leave home without his hat made from shrooms 😀


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
Check out a guy called Paul staments.
American mushroom guru.

Ones like reishi and turkey tail have amazing qualities. I have a good culture growing on agar of lions mane. I’m waiting on better growing medium to start growing them.
Are lions mane the ones that taste like meat.
Bloke at my old work brought some in and cooked em at work.
Tasted just like a steak they were bloody beautiful. Was a redy orange colour.

Aye Shroomer

User ID
Are lions mane the ones that taste like meat.
Bloke at my old work brought some in and cooked em at work.
Tasted just like a steak they were bloody beautiful. Was a redy orange colour.
They are supposed to taste like crab meat. But I haven’t eaten crab before.


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Sugar its the ....Dailymail ...called gutter press in the U,K you gotta ask why ...

I was following how to make DIY mushrooms on YT...easy it seems

but hey I love mushrooms so I'll be here for a while then


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A mate said that he helped someone who had liver cancer by making Reishi and Turkey Tail mushroom teas along with RSO biobombs and tinctures to help her out. I'm not sure what the result is or how effective the patient felt it worked or helped.

Also this link speaks about reducing risk of getting certain types of cancers, not treating if got cancer.
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I've had crab before and personally I think it had a more beef taste to it.
Either way was absolutely delicious.
Not the sort of thing ya find in the local woolies unfortunately.
Portobello mushrooms reported to be very meaty and taste like a steak but are a darker Brown. There is another variety called laetiporus that are an orange/red colour that are supposed to taste like roast chook skin when cooked correctly. I haven't had either but sound pretty good to me


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I cant help but cast doubt on this entire thing because it was the dailymail that decided a good headline would be "

Eating just one medium mushroom a day can reduce your risk of CANCER by 45%, study claims​



User ID
Check out a guy called Paul staments.
American mushroom guru.

Ones like reishi and turkey tail have amazing qualities. I have a good culture growing on agar of lions mane. I’m waiting on better growing medium to start growing them.

Cheers, thanks Ayeydized

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