Thanks itchybro. Sounds easier than brewing teas.
Castings are EAO brand.
Photo taken just before lights off.
just opinion but there are many tea making protocols needed to be met to know your producing a tea that is beneficial to your plants & garden , like , do you have enough air in the bubbler , are you growing the right organisms which you'll need a microscope & the skill to id organisms , etc etc etc
making a compost extract is easier , needs to be well made compost to start with though , which brings you back to needing a scope & id skills but if you use fresh castings your generally good to go , because worms don't fuck up eating & taking a shit

, where as you can fuck up making compost
an extraction is more a inoculation rather than a nutrient included brewed tea , your not trying to multiply organisms as you do when brewing , your just extracting the organisms that are present in fresh castings
although i'd be happy to buy castings from Easy As Organics i would always suggest to make your own , that way you control what worms are fed , hi quality feed = hi quality castings , it's hard for a commercial castings maker to use hi quality feed because it makes the castings too expensive to sell
i asked when your timing of taking the pics was because the plant looked a little droopy , which looking droopy is par for the course at the end of a day or lights on cycle , of cause indoor you could play round with your DLI to change that but unless they are starting to droop a few hours before lights out , i'd leave the DLI as is
good growing to you