Does this look okay for 2 weeks into flip?


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Was given to my little brother as a Pineapple Express Fem seed he had it vegging for 4 months at a mates in a greenhouse we picked it up and it’s started to flower due to being in the greenhouse on a bad angle so we put it in an 80x80x160 tent and keeping it on 12/12 it’s his first ever plant so I gave him my old tent, 4 inch fans and 1x 48watt led panel and another 24watt led panel, I’ve ordered him a Mars ts600 for the tent so that’ll be 108watt full spec light, he is into his plant and tent now I showed him this site too he should be joining us soon

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Waiting on a ts600 Mars for it now it’s only got those little ones, the only other option would be letting my brother use my cfl set but it’s only 130w n only a veg light bulb I’d have to order another bulb for veg ?
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