Do you talk to your plants?


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I remember reading studies about plants doing better when they are spoken to positively or the effect of different music.

Do you talk to your plants? If so, do you talk to them like an adult mate, or more like you talk to a little kid? Blast it with heavy metal or do a Louie CK and make them watch you jerk off? Haha.

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Not since i was 3 or 4 when i used to sing nursery rhymes to the peas and beans in the veggie patch (apparently).

Though i did read an article some years back that someone took the time and effort to carry out such a study, and they suggested that the plants best responded to classical music. Make of that what you will, lol.


Resident Celebrity
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While conversing with my local magpie mates, pretty sure the biggest plants from Sedge started an argument with brother Foxes ladies
Had 2 tell em all 2 shut up as i couldn't hear the little indica down the back
Bob, I'm telling you this as a friend. If you want to sound smart, it's not called 'conversing' anymore, the new cool word is 'conversating'.

On another note, if the word 'conversating' eventually gets added to the dictionary then I'm going to shoot myself.

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