Discrimination when applying for a job.


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Drug and alcohol testing in a medical for a job. Positive test to THC in urine but not saliva, knocked back for a job when I was told taking xanax or others was ok? I wonder what the discrimination laws state about that? legal medication, told the doctor before the test what it was for but discriminated against for it. Was told in the interview would have the job otherwise.

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One Drop

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Very sad indeed to hear this but the stigma created around cannabis is so deeply ingrained into the fabric of society. Hopefully the laws will change and the miss informed making these laws will realise it’s less harmful than booze n pills n powders .


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Whilst I doubt one would take it on, be interesting to see if you could convince one of those no win, no fee lawyers to take a look at it.

If you have the means, perhaps engage one just for an initial review and letter to send a shot over the bow, see what happens?


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Read something the other day, not sure how much truth there is to it. But apparently some companies are considering doing away with drug testing in the workplace due to the fact many are struggling to fill positions.

Not sure how that would work, because you'd think it'd be a legal requirement within many industries. Either way, grain of salt shit..

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Depends on the type of job. If it requires operating heavy or potentially dangerous machinery, then no alcohol or cannabis in your system is fair enough as a job requirement My decky just got a job at a local BCF store, so I would be OK for him to be medicated every day at work. Which, he will be 🤣


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Depends on the type of job. If it requires operating heavy or potentially dangerous machinery, then no alcohol or cannabis in your system is fair enough as a job requirement My decky just got a job at a local BCF store, so I would be OK for him to be medicated every day at work. Which, he will be 🤣

Sun Ra

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Drug and alcohol testing in a medical for a job. Positive test to THC in urine but not saliva, knocked back for a job when I was told taking xanax or others was ok? I wonder what the discrimination laws state about that? legal medication, told the doctor before the test what it was for but discriminated against for it. Was told in the interview would have the job otherwise.
What kind of job was it ?


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I reckon you’re out of luck @Chaetadon. Employers would put it in the too hard basket, probably have legal advice on rejecting Thc medicators if a large employer. Insurers would probably have an opinion. The current media storm about script and dodgy Drs won’t help.
This was mentioned in another thread in the last few months.
No method of detecting impairment, insurance issues and living in a fucking backward country all conspire against you.
Legal option only worthwhile if seeking payout not a job.
All just my random opinion.
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