

Community Member
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Others probably know this but when making oil you don't have to fuck around decarbing in the oven. When I do my oil I just iso wash it and after the iso is evaded off in the rice cooker you turn the rice cooker to cook instead of warm , when it stops bubbling it's decarbed . Makes the process quicker and easier eliminating a step. You can do it with your extracts to BHO ar whatever if you want to cook with them.
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afghan bob

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Yeah mate, of all the copious amounts of oil i've made using iso, i've never worried about de-carbing
I think when evaping the iso off the temp reached seems 2 be enough 2 do de-carb
Not saying this is right way, but works 4 me and yeah saves shit load of time
Never burns the oil and interplanetry travel is always achieved......[just don't lick the knife]
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