Country Vic.


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Hi all.. New to site accidentally found it when looking for reviews for a domestic seed bank, in particular mediseeds and by the looks of some of the reviews I’ve probably saved myself some cash and grief.. Thanks..👍
Based in county Vic and usally put a couple outside in the veggie patch each year to keep me occupied. Pretty basic stuff, dirt, cow shit, fish frames, sun and water. Hardest part these days are the cheeky fuckers with there drones.. Got some camo going on so that helps... So much info on here with hours of reading sifting through the topics, hopefully I can learn a thing or 2 and comment were I think I can help..
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Aye Shroomer

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Yeah I had a neighbourhood drone too a few times this last year. I know where it is from too, cheeky fucker. As far as I know anything he has recorded is illegal as you can’t fly over residential areas but that’s not going to stop law enforcement working around that. Or anyone jumping the fence to grab anything.

Hopefully my Rottweiler deters anyone. He will probably just lick them though 😂


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Yeah I had a neighbourhood drone too a few times this last year. I know where it is from too, cheeky fucker. As far as I know anything he has recorded is illegal as you can’t fly over residential areas but that’s not going to stop law enforcement working around that. Or anyone jumping the fence to grab anything.

Hopefully my Rottweiler deters anyone. He will probably just lick them though 😂
This drone that flew around here was like 5 o’clock Charlie of MASH..
Same time every other day. It would turn up and I could hear it but couldn’t see the fucker unless I had polaroid sunnies on. I’d sit out back with my shangi waiting and would have pot shots but never hit it. Small fast little mavic. Tried following on my pushie but it would get out of site in no time. Worked out it was a local punter that would put up pics of the area on FB.. Scenic type of pics.
Sent him a message and asked what sort of drone he was using to get these “great pics” as I’m keen on getting a drone. As it turned out it was what I was seeing. Couldn’t see anything on his pics that he was posting Luckily but that didn’t stop me from shitting myself for a couple of month..


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G’day, just ordered 10 Bruce Banners from Mediseedman will be interesting to see if they germinate and go.

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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This drone that flew around here was like 5 o’clock Charlie of MASH..
Same time every other day. It would turn up and I could hear it but couldn’t see the fucker unless I had polaroid sunnies on. I’d sit out back with my shangi waiting and would have pot shots but never hit it. Small fast little mavic. Tried following on my pushie but it would get out of site in no time. Worked out it was a local punter that would put up pics of the area on FB.. Scenic type of pics.
Sent him a message and asked what sort of drone he was using to get these “great pics” as I’m keen on getting a drone. As it turned out it was what I was seeing. Couldn’t see anything on his pics that he was posting Luckily but that didn’t stop me from shitting myself for a couple of month..
Shotgun with bb's or close range. 22 with rat shot! Snooping mofos!👍
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