Coffs Harbour


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A bit off the topic from my normal posts, anyone around the Coffs area that could hook me up with a bud. Doing a road trip with the family and have hurt my back. Would love something to help with the inflammation. PM me if you can help. I know it's a strange ask!

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Joe Dirte

User ID
A bit off the topic from my normal posts, anyone around the Coffs area that could hook me up with a bud. Doing a road trip with the family and have hurt my back. Would love something to help with the inflammation. PM me if you can help. I know it's a strange
I’m heading to passed on my way to Grafton on Friday morning. I’d be happy to bring you up some sweet sticky meds katz. Will you still be there


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I’m heading to passed on my way to Grafton on Friday morning. I’d be happy to bring you up some sweet sticky meds katz. Will you still be there
Haha thanks for the kind offer Mr Dirte, I am leaving here on Thursday 😬 heading towards Ballina so hopefully will be able to sniff out something up that way!


HPS turncoat
Community Member
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Haha thanks for the kind offer Mr Dirte, I am leaving here on Thursday 😬 heading towards Ballina so hopefully will be able to sniff out something up that way!
Nimbins an 1hr drive from Ballina... don't be scared to refuse what the locals offer you first, usually try to get rid of their rubbish to passing through tourists 1st...
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