Child care


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My daughter yesterday had to revive a child who just collapsed and died

She was in another room , ran in to find the 2 Indian girls trying assistance

The child wasn't breathing and had no heartbeat

1 Indian girl was raising both arms and back down continuously, the other pressing on her stomach

They were supposed to have completed compulsory first aid certificates, this includes mouth to mouth and heart pumps

They obviously didn't pay attention

Says a lot about courses with no failures

Surely this can't happen , if you can't complete the course and pass on your results you shouldn't be allowed to start employment

I've done a shitload of the courses , traffic control, working at heights , working on 11kv , confined spaces etc with refresher courses each yr or 2 depending on course at my own expense, you guessed it nobody failed

You can imagine at job at the Junction of 2 freeways with a telegraph pole and traffic lights , 7.00 am , installing big pond connection from 1 of the poles on the other side of road to the residence above the shop by yourself

You had to know your shit

Back to the story

My daughter rushes in , takes control of the situation, gets the child breathing with a slight heartbeat , for 4 mins till ambulance arrived

She's a real life hero and I'm so proud of her

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Yep first and last I hope

Yes they were employees, I think all incidents they this must be reported?

She's quite upset about it all now it's over and had time to reflect on what could of happened


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Aged care is no different. They're full of under qualified staff that don't engage their patients. Whereas traditional carer's used to fully engage the oldies and get them up and active. It put a smile on their face and gave them a reason to keep kicking on.

I witnessed that change over the space of 3 years, with one of me oldies.


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Yep , I informed my younger daughter that if mum goes first she moves in , or vice versa

Imagine me in a nursing home ?

I'd have a hydro set-up in the closet and the bong next to the bed on the bar fridge

Hooker once a month for good measure
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