Canberra laws study. (Porky’s gear tests as mids)

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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Nah mate. Porkys gear wouldn't even register on the machine.

Too many fucken hermie seeds getting in the way of an accurate reading 😒 He really struggled with the concept of sinsemella (I.e without seeds). Didn't know what he was doing as a grower, and icmag don't want to teach him anymore.

Goonie Goat

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Gotta say pretty piss poor weed comes out of Canberra. Lots of it is the Ho Chi Minh special, brown PGR dog turd nuggets.

Have to laugh at those YouTube videos of them 2 blokes testing people's gear too.
Remember one girl was positive her strain was up in the high 20's percentage and ended up testing at like 14%-16%, probably started complaining about it after 🤣...

Just goes to show THC% is not the be all end all. For me it's the smell/terps that is probably the most important thing when it comes to first impressions


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Gotta say pretty piss poor weed comes out of Canberra. Lots of it is the Ho Chi Minh special, brown PGR dog turd nuggets.

Have to laugh at those YouTube videos of them 2 blokes testing people's gear too.
Remember one girl was positive her strain was up in the high 20's percentage and ended up testing at like 14%-16%, probably started complaining about it after 🤣...

Just goes to show THC% is not the be all end all. For me it's the smell/terps that is probably the most important thing when it comes to first impressions
I feel ya on the THC content issue. Brother, I'm that much of a smooth brain that I've been given high THC and straight CBD strains before and I swear to god they both got me stoned lol..

I've had a hard time picking CBD weed in the past. People will swing us a few buds and then be all "you'll be able to tell which one is the CBD" but then I do my head in trying to figure it out and end up being too embarrassed to ask haha.

I guess I'm that stoned all the time I'm never sober so I can't figure out what is the CBD lol .


The man your mother warned you about.
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What’s gets me is that if Terps help the stone why don’t I get even a little stoned by just smelling it,
,and why some strains that have little aroma can be stronger than real smelly strains .
I’ll just slot that shit in as some of life’s mystery’s


Sultan Of Soil
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not all terpenes have the same effect on each individual , you love the smell of fresh brewed coffee , i don't , i love the smell of a lamb roast cooking in the oven , you don't
" smelly strains " aren't always going to trigger you until you find the one that does & the one that does seems to always be more enjoyable
as far as advertised THC % on a seed pack / website means zero imo , to many variables growing to be able to stamp a cultivar with a hard & fast number , even clones , grow one clone on the coast & the other clone in central Oz both end results will be similar but not the same


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I had a strain about 10 years ago ( lost when moved interstate) it was a fucking horrible smell and taste, but was probable still my favourite smoke still to was a deisel × citronella type smell ne er smelt a strain like it ever since
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