Bottom Leaves Browning


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The bottom leaves are starting to turn brown, it's a bit hard to see in the photos, I don't know what could be wrong now. Photos were taken straight after watering. Also, I was wondering if this is a good/normal sized plant at 4 weeks old.

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Dont stress bro i've singed mine off from high ec/ppm nutes in my water lol
If they are the cotyledons then they are meant to die off when normal leaves can support the sprout


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Dont stress bro i've singed mine off from high ec/ppm nutes in my water lol
If they are the cotyledons then they are meant to die off when normal leaves can support the sprout
Nah, it's not the cotyledons. The first set of actual leaves, they started dying ages ago, but then they recovered and now they're doing it again, but worse.


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Yeh not sure mate, are you watering over the top of the leaves in direct sunlight?


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Well I have it in some bunnings potting mix with some sugarcane mulch over the top, that wouldn't overfeed it would it?
If its in shit potting mix for four weeks and you haven't fed it anything then it'll want a dose of food bro


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Ive actually been having trouble with potting mix this year, I may be having a similar problem to you

Tims Garden Centre Campbelltown NSW

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We had no idea when we did our potting mix trial, just how poor potting mixes have become.
These were all Australian Standards Premium mixes, so we expected plants to grow beautifully in them.
In five of the mixes the plants leaves turned yellow and in some cases the plants just died.
One bag was so bad, the plants didn’t grow a healthy new leaf for 8 weeks. These mixes are being sold around Australia every day.
The good news is, gardeners are travelling from all over Sydney to stock up on Tim’s Best Potting mix. Gardeners are going to have success.
Their plants are going to thrive.
New gardeners are not going to be disheartened when everything just dies, they won’t be thinking we did something wrong, gardening is too hard.
We’ve just had another truck load arrive. Our supplier is only just keeping up. It’s a long weekend, maybe you should come for a drive.
Tim’s Best Potting Mix costs $13.99 or buy 2 for $26.00. It’s a 30 litre bag, so it’s 20% bigger. We can help you load your car.
We are open today 8.30-5pm.
Sunday and Monday 9-4pm.
Zoom zoom.
#pottingmixes #australianstandardpremiumpottingmix #really #gardeninginpots #success #happiness #gardeningaustralia #betterhomesandgardens #timsgardencentre #campbelltown


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Yeah mate it'll be a combination of the things mentioned. Take a think about how big the roots of that tiny plant will be, not big at all so it won't be needing much water, really it's probably not going to use 100ml a day and if the soil is wet around it will be getting all the water it needs. The real problem though is the shitty potting mix they are are very acidic these days they're not composting the ingredients like they used too. the last good one from bunnings was the scotts premium blue bag but that's turned to shit now over the last few years, you can tell by the size of the chips in it and the smell. Knowing that, you can now know that that it'll be acidic and the ph will be in the 4's. Once you pot that shit it continues to compost and go through ph changes up and down and after a while it'll settle down into the 6's which is better, but wont save your ass right now. Best thing you can do for it is some seaweed solution it should soften the sting those tiny roots are feeling now.
Best place to get your soil these days is a garden center (if you can) you can have them mix up a batch to suit your needs. Best is a vege bed soil mixed in with lawn top dressing. The vegemix will be topsoil and mushroom compost and adding in the lawn dress will add the sand you want for drainage in the pots. get it at 2 to 1 ratio and the ph will be right where you need it. Then start new seeds to save yourself the heartache of watching the ones you have suffer.
And honestly, when the garden shop guy asks "what are you growing?" just say "weed like everybody else." You can almost bet that guy on the tractor is going home to get stoned
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