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We had no idea when we did our potting mix trial, just how poor potting mixes have become.
These were all Australian Standards Premium mixes, so we expected plants to grow beautifully in them.
In five of the mixes the plants leaves turned yellow and in some cases the plants just died.
One bag was so bad, the plants didn’t grow a healthy new leaf for 8 weeks. These mixes are being sold around Australia every day.
The good news is, gardeners are travelling from all over Sydney to stock up on Tim’s Best Potting mix. Gardeners are going to have success.
Their plants are going to thrive.
New gardeners are not going to be disheartened when everything just dies, they won’t be thinking we did something wrong, gardening is too hard.
We’ve just had another truck load arrive. Our supplier is only just keeping up. It’s a long weekend, maybe you should come for a drive.
Tim’s Best Potting Mix costs $13.99 or buy 2 for $26.00. It’s a 30 litre bag, so it’s 20% bigger. We can help you load your car.
We are open today 8.30-5pm.
Sunday and Monday 9-4pm.
Zoom zoom.
#pottingmixes #australianstandardpremiumpottingmix #really #gardeninginpots #success #happiness #gardeningaustralia #betterhomesandgardens #timsgardencentre #campbelltown