Best Flyspray for my Weed


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Hey Lads,
Never really noticed having it but what's the deal with weed sprayed with fly spray. I've heard it used to be done. Has anyone ever knowingly smoked weed with it.
What else have you heard of that people contaminate weed with?
Just curious.

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Joe Dirte

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Pretty sure I have years ago I bought a fifty that smelled really strong of fuel. It was a bit moist also. Being young, dumb and lungry for some i hoovered straight into it and to my surprise when I lit my first cone it was extra flammable and made some weird crackling sound. It tasted horrible and the rest of my mix went in the bin šŸ˜Ÿ
Result was a shithouse headache and a curious mind of what the fuck went on!!
So after asking around a bit the consensus was there was some bud getting around that had been soaked in flyspray. Yuck!!!!
Young Dirte learnt to try before he buy from here onwards....
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