Beating a piss test?


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G'day legends... Need advice on products etc for masking pot on a piss test.. My misso has been off work(fifo) for a few months after getting injured at work. She has been hitting my produce pretty hard *purely for its medicinal value* lol
And now that the Drs have cleared her its time for her to return to work and she has to pass a piss test. If any of you mad cunts have any advice regarding products etc that are proven to work and mask pot in a urine screen would be extremely appreciated! Cheers in advance blokes.. oh and ladies etc 🙂

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man I went a month, maybe 5 weeks clean for mine, took a detox and did all the jazz and still came back positive. If you have a decent amount of bodyfat (i'm around 25% and thc is stored in fat) it'll hang around for months possibly if you are a heavy smoker. Meanwhile I've had mates at 10% body fat come clean in a few weeks despite heavy usage.

It's all just down to time, metabolism and dosage. I was going through a half a week at that stage though.


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I've been told about some product you can mix up with water and drink and test within a certain time frame and it masks the pot in your system I thought someone among all us pot heads should know about it haha 🤞🤞🤞


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@BigRobbo yeah I’ve used a product that comes in two forms. Either an empty ‘orchy’ style bottle with powder add water or some tablets drink water. Designed to be taken just prior to testing, so you pee a few times before the test pee. I got it in Nimbin 🤪
But as Vinny says, lots of factors also at play. I thought the product masked your use.
Or clean urine sample in a condom kept in crotch area to ensure it matches body temperature 🤐


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When it comes to detox drinks for cannabis, you can either purchase ready-made options online or make them yourself at home. If you decide to make your own, it's a good idea to buy a few home urine test kits to check their effectiveness before any official testing.

Some people, like my mate's uncle, have found success by drinking one or two bottles of detox drinks the night before a test and using their first morning urine sample for testing. Here’s a way you can make a detox drink yourself:

### DIY Detox Drink Recipe

#### **Ingredients:**
- **1 lemon** (juiced)
- **1-2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar**
- **1-2 tablespoons honey** or **maple syrup** (optional for taste)
- **1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper** (optional)
- **8-12 oz warm water**

#### **Instructions:**
1. **Warm the Water:** Heat the water until it’s comfortably warm.
2. **Mix Ingredients:** Add the lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, honey (if using), and cayenne pepper to the warm water.
3. **Stir Well:** Ensure everything is well mixed.
4. **Drink:** Consume the drink in the evening before bed.

### Tips for Better Results
- **Hydration:** Drink plenty of water throughout the day to aid in flushing out toxins.
- **Test Kits:** Use home urine test kits to check if the detox drink is effective.
- **Diet and Exercise:** Maintain a healthy diet and engage in regular exercise to support the detox process.

While some people report success with this method, remember that results can vary. Time and a healthy lifestyle are the most reliable ways to cleanse your system.
You can buy them here at a ridiculous price

Got the recipe from ChatGPT


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When it comes to detox drinks for cannabis, you can either purchase ready-made options online or make them yourself at home. If you decide to make your own, it's a good idea to buy a few home urine test kits to check their effectiveness before any official testing.

Some people, like my mate's uncle, have found success by drinking one or two bottles of detox drinks the night before a test and using their first morning urine sample for testing. Here’s a way you can make a detox drink yourself:

### DIY Detox Drink Recipe

#### **Ingredients:**
- **1 lemon** (juiced)
- **1-2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar**
- **1-2 tablespoons honey** or **maple syrup** (optional for taste)
- **1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper** (optional)
- **8-12 oz warm water**

#### **Instructions:**
1. **Warm the Water:** Heat the water until it’s comfortably warm.
2. **Mix Ingredients:** Add the lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, honey (if using), and cayenne pepper to the warm water.
3. **Stir Well:** Ensure everything is well mixed.
4. **Drink:** Consume the drink in the evening before bed.

### Tips for Better Results
- **Hydration:** Drink plenty of water throughout the day to aid in flushing out toxins.
- **Test Kits:** Use home urine test kits to check if the detox drink is effective.
- **Diet and Exercise:** Maintain a healthy diet and engage in regular exercise to support the detox process.

While some people report success with this method, remember that results can vary. Time and a healthy lifestyle are the most reliable ways to cleanse your system.
You can buy them here at a ridiculous price

Got the recipe from ChatGPT
I sometimes think you are ChatGPT Doctor? 🤪


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Thank you muchly good Dr!
This is the kind of advice I was hoping for and where better to look..
Thanks again 🤝


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fake urine would have to be the safest and easiest option.. surely.
That reminds me, I knew a bloke who used to have a fake dick he would use it do urines for corrections until someone ratted and then everyone got caught all you had to do was squeeze it and the piss would come out he would get urine from friends and family


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That reminds me, I knew a bloke who used to have a fake dick he would use it do urines for corrections until someone ratted and then everyone got caught all you had to do was squeeze it and the piss would come out he would get urine from friends and family
Yea met a shady crackhead at 2am on a petrol pushy at a servo at the ass end of nowhere once. He was selling those fake dicks off the back of his bike and it was the most bizarre encounter.

Had a little fold out table and shit to show off his wares. Had to give him points for effort.

On another note @BigRobbo the detox products did squat when I tried them. Got two of these super expensive bottles of red shit from off ya tree back in the day and still pissed hot after weeks which was an ass.


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Yea met a shady crackhead at 2am on a petrol pushy at a servo at the ass end of nowhere once. He was selling those fake dicks off the back of his bike and it was the most bizarre encounter.

Had a little fold out table and shit to show off his wares. Had to give him points for effort.

On another note @BigRobbo the detox products did squat when I tried them. Got two of these super expensive bottles of red shit from off ya tree back in the day and still pissed hot after weeks which was an ass.
Fuck me lol he had one of those bikes no idea what happened to him though he was a crackhead too
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