

User ID
hi all. I want to find out the demand for the development of complex electronic devices for growing plants and mushrooms based on the stm32 controller.
it is possible to develop industrial-grade equipment for large greenhouses.
I want to ask if such services will be in demand in the growers community?
where would you advise me to apply with such an offer?

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Some in the 'growers community' maybe interested in full automation, especially for larger scale. But keying in all of the variables can be an issue. For me personally, I like to be hands on. Sure, I use electric timers for lights and pumps, but I need to be hands on to manage plant growth.
For those with a larger scale and a bit of techy knowledge the stm32 controller maybe appropriate, but for the homegrower the arduino architecture is simpler and cheaper IMHO.


Sultan Of Soil
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you could look into environmental controllers , having something that not only turns lights on & off but exhaust fans , humidity or dehumidify units ( VPD control ) supplemental lighting on & off , heating , cooling , IPM contol , i think there is a nutrient dispenser called a dosatron

I'm a little like @Merl1n & prefer hands on but as for environmental control i could def use something like that , you do have some competition already though in this field


User ID
hi all. I want to find out the demand for the development of complex electronic devices for growing plants and mushrooms based on the stm32 controller.
it is possible to develop industrial-grade equipment for large greenhouses.
I want to ask if such services will be in demand in the growers community?
where would you advise me to apply with such an offer?
Already lots of differing retail products for the grower here is one.

When you look to the commercial sector there is even more on offer already.

So unless you are really bringing the price down and making it more reliable of a product or offering something these other controllers don't(seems like they cover all bases) not sure how you can corner that market in an already niche enviorment.


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As Frank mentioned. For the home canna grower, there probably isn't much of a market. Primarily grower's are usually the 'hands on' type, and those that are interested in automation are the geekish folk that are exploring their options primarily with raspberry pi's. and building their own kits.
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