Australian Dead Head


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Hi everyone!
Have just found and joined the Serrated Edge, enjoying the content. Ive been growing for the past 20 years combination of indoor and outdoor.
I grew Australian Dead Head this year indoor and then took 20 or so clones to grow outdoors. I have shared 15 of these seedlings with like minded friends who are having great results with some now almost 3 metres tall even when tied down. My question is......Indoor these plants took ages for the buds to 14 weeks. They also developed mould and rot wherever there was scar tissue from bending down, which I treated as it appeared but still a problem. Eventually the plant started to develop bananas and I had to pull it. Even after 13 weeks it was still putting out heaps of white stigmas but given the hermi problem combined with the mould issue....had to pull. Harvested 12 ounces dried from a 1m square tent so not too bad but still a bit light on for the time it took. So if Im growing outside and plants haven't even started to pre-flower am I going to have big problems with the buds still growing and potentially not finishing until the end of May start of June (Im in Surfcoast Victoria) By then it will be cold and wet and with my experience with the mother suffering from mould issues Im worried that this will be a total waste of time.....Any advice will be greatly appreciated especially those who have grown Australian Deadhead!
Cheers Sunny
P.s Smoke was absolutely fantastic!!!

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You hear of it mentioned from time to time, nice genetics. But yeah, sounds like a bastard to contain inside, and probably better suited to tropical and sub-tropical climates outdoors.

With the mold issue (tent) you mentioned. What sort of ventilation system did you have?


Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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I grew the oz deadhead cpl of seasons back it was an excellent smoko
not indoors tho so not sure about it's mold tendencies
I've got a small one in the garden this year too ( small because it was a late season grow)


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You hear of it mentioned from time to time, nice genetics. But yeah, sounds like a bastard to contain inside, and probably better suited to tropical and sub-tropical climates outdoors.

With the mold issue (tent) you mentioned. What sort of ventilation system did you have?
Had a computer fan pulling air in, an oscillating fan moving air and a filtered odour fan with specs for a tent double the size.... I was using nutrient film technique so perhaps it was the humidity from the water. The humidity was always too high ......


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I grew the oz deadhead cpl of seasons back it was an excellent smoko
not indoors tho so not sure about it's mold tendencies
I've got a small one in the garden this year too ( small because it was a late season grow)
Did it take ages in flower?


Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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flowering them earlier with light dep would be the go just gotta build a purpose built greenhouse with automatic black out coverings on a timer system.................. yep easier said than done unfortunately
If only I had the $$$
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