Anyone used trail cams?


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Has anyone used trail cams, specifically the 4g connected ones or the regular memory card ones? curious about battery life as well, they seem to mostly run on a bunch of double a batteries.
Thinking of scoping out an area for a bush grow but want an idea of local traffic if any and wondering if i can snag anyone else that may be setting trail cams (I know our local government area [shire] uses them extensively to prevent dumping and trespassing)

I have some surplus ladies that I dont really want to look after at my premises and thinking of letting them roam free in the wild

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I’ve got a battery powered, non 4G device.

Works fine, but obviously you have gotta go and physically check it to see if anything has triggered it.

It does have a little screen on the back though, so can flick through any videos without the need to take out the Sd card and put in computer.

If I bought another I would get the network camera so i could check it remotely.


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I’ve got a battery powered, non 4G device.

Works fine, but obviously you have gotta go and physically check it to see if anything has triggered it.

It does have a little screen on the back though, so can flick through any videos without the need to take out the Sd card and put in computer.

If I bought another I would get the network camera so i could check it remotely.
Does yours use double a batteries? what kind of charge time do you get?


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Has anyone used trail cams, specifically the 4g connected ones or the regular memory card ones? curious about battery life as well, they seem to mostly run on a bunch of double a batteries.
Thinking of scoping out an area for a bush grow but want an idea of local traffic if any and wondering if i can snag anyone else that may be setting trail cams (I know our local government area [shire] uses them extensively to prevent dumping and trespassing)

I have some surplus ladies that I dont really want to look after at my premises and thinking of letting them roam free in the wild
You can buy a small solar panel for them and im guessing using rechargeable AA batteries it will top them up.
You will just have to conceal it so its not spotted they are about 25cm x 20cm in size
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