alien hydroponics

Red Eye Hero

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Bloody hell. Been under me rock for too long. I'm blown away at the price of those RDWC kits.

You sure you're not up to the task of throwing your own system together, Red? Without the chiller, I'd reckon most could build a 4 bucket system for under $250 these days.


Resident Celebrity
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Question: These RDWC rigs seem like a lot of cost, effort, and maintenance. How is the end result any better than just coco/perlite?


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Question: These RDWC rigs seem like a lot of cost, effort, and maintenance. How is the end result any better than just coco/perlite?
The end result is no different it's just the veg faze is a lot quicker.
Yeah they a lot of work if they are not automated properly.
One power outage for 8 hours or more in the heat and ya whole grow can be totally fucked.
My mate has one of the most elaborate and expensive setups I've seen and when it works its awesome but I've also seen him fuck 2 crops because he was away at work and something went wrong.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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So the cheapest rdwc system I can buy pre built is this one here I’m a lazy fuck and can’t be bothered building one thoughts?

instructions here
Current culture is what me mate runs and he reckons they the best on the market.

Red Eye Hero

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Current culture is what me mate runs and he reckons they the best on the market.
I rang up a few hydroponic stores the cheapest they can do that system for was 2k and one of the owners from the hydroponic store said if I can get that system for $1600 to jump on it so I did

Red Eye Hero

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Bloody hell. Been under me rock for too long. I'm blown away at the price of those RDWC kits.

You sure you're not up to the task of throwing your own system together, Red? Without the chiller, I'd reckon most could build a 4 bucket system for under $250 these days.
Yea can’t be fucked building one I’m lazy lol
I’ve already got a chiller I’ve got a Teco HY150 6201439C-8DE8-499A-8742-40DA1FAC550E.png


The Dwarf Hermie King
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I rang up a few hydroponic stores the cheapest they can do that system for was 2k and one of the owners from the hydroponic store said if I can get that system for $1600 to jump on it so I did
So which one did ya buy??
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