AIR CONDITIONED ROOM is all I have to dry.


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Morning Tse
Well it's nearly time to wind up the Northern Lights #5
Still drinking 2 litres a day each.
I have a 3.6 x 3.0 Bedroom with 1 window facing south and a new wall mounted air conditioner. How do I prepare this room to dry utilizing air con etc .
Any advice on drying process.

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This is easily said, then done,
but If you can get the room closest to 22c and 58% humidity while drying. You be preserving the trichomes and this helps hold some flavours in the flowers. Good luck as a stable environment is hard to achieve 100% of the time, when home growing.
👍 👌


User ID
This is easily said, then done,
but If you can get the room closest to 22c and 58% humidity while drying. You be preserving the trichomes and this helps hold some flavours in the flowers. Good luck as a stable environment is hard to achieve 100% of the time, when home growing.
👍 👌
Holy shit @Kloud9 ur quick .
Love it.
Thanks man that's sounds pretty easy.
Would it work if I hang a potato bag around each one with both ends open ??
User ID
Morning Tse
Well it's nearly time to wind up the Northern Lights #5
Still drinking 2 litres a day each.
I have a 3.6 x 3.0 Bedroom with 1 window facing south and a new wall mounted air conditioner. How do I prepare this room to dry utilizing air con etc .
Any advice on drying process.
I just found some old wood i had laying around and knocked up a makeshift hanger / Dehydrator (for mushrooms), It might be to small for your needs but i guess you could upscale it a bit i have Air blowing ever slightly not on the buds to keep air moving around a little
Anyway though maybe it might spark some thought for the future.


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User ID
I just found some old wood i had laying around and knocked up a makeshift hanger / Dehydrator (for mushrooms), It might be to small for your needs but i guess you could upscale it a bit i have Air blowing ever slightly not on the buds to keep air moving around a little
Anyway though maybe it might spark some thought for the future.
Howdy @Bigfoot
Is that some screen under branches ?
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