A mates been busted


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Just got word a mate has been busted in nsw. Im in qld .Took his laptop phone etc. There has been some correspondence between us from me sending him seeds, bit of weed etc should I be worried

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Bit hard to say really, if he’s small by-catch you could be lucky being interstate. Nothing worse than dread of the unknown. Hang in there 👍

afghan bob

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Mate, sleep easy, they got way to many other problems going on than 2 worry about some small fry sending his mate a few beans and dregs in the mail......[their footy team to start with]
Unless ya mate's second name is Nyguan and was caught with a shitload grown hydroponically, i doubt they would bother making ph. call


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Yeah context of their bust will be important. Bob’s right, QLD suck 😇, oh I meant Bob’s right sleep easy.


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Good point to rause though..

Texhnically... if someone gets pinched that has sent us seeds...
Pigs may have our addresses...

Maybe it would be good practice to delete messages aftet seeds are sent and Sk them to do the same...and NOT have "auto log in"


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Texhnically... if someone gets pinched that has sent us seeds...
Pigs may have our addresses...
I get all my seeds sent to a safe adress. Its my phone number i was worried about and the fact there was corrispondance about me sending him shit. All they have to do is ask Vodafone for my adress. I now use "signal" its an encrupted messaging app you can set the messagges to disappear after a set time frame like an hour etc


User ID
I get all my seeds sent to a safe adress. Its my phone number i was worried about and the fact there was corrispondance about me sending him shit. All they have to do is ask Vodafone for my adress. I now use "signal" its an encrupted messaging app you can set the messagges to disappear after a set time frame like an hour etc
Session is better (imo). It uses the signal protocol but doesn’t require a phone number to sign up
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