60% ethanol as a solvent?


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Hi - I have an air still that will give me 60% ethanol. Rather than mess up a batch with experimentation I thought I'd ask, is that sufficient to use as a solvent for oil production. I suspect the water content will mess up the release of oils, but I'm not sure. any chemistry minded people have a view on this?

The reason I ask is isopropyl is hard to get here and I really don't want to fork out for a reflux still unless I have to.

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IMHO that would make something similar more to a tincture than an oil.
I use an OP rum to make tincture it's 57-58% alcohol. IMHO that 40% that's not pure alcohol is questionable. What is it?
The iso I use for oil is (reportedly) 99.7% pure alcohol.
"The reason I ask is isopropyl is hard to get here..." Here's a hint. Iso is used extensively in the electronics field for cleaning circuit boards. I order mine via an electronics wholesaler rather than a chemical store. I'm out in the sticks a bit and they courier it out to me.


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IMHO that would make something similar more to a tincture than an oil.
I use an OP rum to make tincture it's 57-58% alcohol. IMHO that 40% that's not pure alcohol is questionable. What is it?
The iso I use for oil is (reportedly) 99.7% pure alcohol.
"The reason I ask is isopropyl is hard to get here..." Here's a hint. Iso is used extensively in the electronics field for cleaning circuit boards. I order mine via an electronics wholesaler rather than a chemical store. I'm out in the sticks a bit and they courier it out to me.
Good tip on the iso Merlin, thanks. I found a supplier will deliver to me (regional West Oz) from Queensland for $38 for 5 litres of 100% iso. I think that's pretty reasonable. The biggest problem is Australia Post, they lost the plot in 2020 and never found it again. I'll have a look at electronics wholesalers in Perth.


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Not a Tandy or Dick Smith, they stock it but at retail prices, but a true wholesaler will see you right.


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500ml??? for $27??? WOW. That's a retail price for sure
The last lot I bought was $28 for 2ltr from a wholesaler


Yes, I just realised how pricey it was. An option for people who want it quickly I guess.

I have also seen ethanol used in aromatherapy preparations so that might be another option. Used to be sold in stores around Northern NSW too. Still have a bottle I bought at Nimbin general store. Not really into oils.


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Yes, I just realised how pricey it was. An option for people who want it quickly I guess.

I have also seen ethanol used in aromatherapy preparations so that might be another option. Used to be sold in stores around Northern NSW too. Still have a bottle I bought at Nimbin general store. Not really into oils.
Never really trusted ethanol, although it's readily available. I think it has the advantage of not dissolving as many unwanted compounds as iso or ethanol. Something about polar and nonpolar solvents.


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I have had trouble getting it delivered before, it's classed as dangerous goods. I bought through Sydney Solvents. They sell in 1 litre, 5 litre, 20 litre and 200 litre.
I got 20 litres for $80 and postage was $55.58 because of dangerous goods. So all up $135.58 for 20 litres delivered - $6.78 per litre.


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Never really trusted ethanol, although it's readily available. I think it has the advantage of not dissolving as many unwanted compounds as iso or ethanol. Something about polar and nonpolar solvents.
I was thinking acetone as I typed ethanol. I do trust ethanol, it is just hard to get if you don't have a reflux still.
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