The Dick Swinging Thread


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After reading a few posts here lately at "Australia's Premier Cannabis Site" it's come to me that we're attracting a few Dick-swingers that don't mind informing everyone how fuckin' good they are. Anyway, the intentions of this thread is so we got a home for all those great self-promotion comments that are posted throughout the forum. A one stop shop of Dick-swinging comments, if you will

The subject doesn't matter, and what they say may actually have some truth to it. But it's a dick-swing nonetheless. Only rule that comes to mind is. Porky cannot fill it up with Pedro's comments, otherwise we'll have half the forum reposted in this thread alone.

Don't exclude me either. If you see me with my pin-dick out 'n having a flick. Get it up in here as well. (y)

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Here's a couple to get the ball rolling..

Yeah it does, I monitor nothing lol

had a temp humidity gauge once, caused nothing but problems so I throw it away lol
only thing in me tent ATM is a 1000w light, a small fan to blow air around and some plants

will run the extraction fan when they get big enough to need more Co2

I'm a no monitor guy to it seems to be the blokes with all the equipment under the sun have the most drama all I've got is a PH pen no ec no temp no humidity nothing just read the plants


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
After reading a few posts here lately at "Australia's Premier Cannabis Site" it's come to me that we're attracting a few Dick-swingers that don't mind informing everyone how fuckin' good they are. Anyway, the intentions of this thread is so we got a home for all those great self-promotion comments that are posted throughout the forum. A one stop shop of Dick-swinging comments, if you will

The subject doesn't matter, and what they say may actually have some truth to it. But it's a dick-swing nonetheless. Only rule that comes to mind is. Porky cannot fill it up with Pedro's comments, otherwise we'll have half the forum reposted in this thread alone.

Don't exclude me either. If you see me with my pin-dick out 'n having a flick. Get it up in here as well. (y)
So 80% of Pedro's posts should be in this thread then!! šŸ¤£


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
After reading a few posts here lately at "Australia's Premier Cannabis Site" it's come to me that we're attracting a few Dick-swingers that don't mind informing everyone how fuckin' good they are. Anyway, the intentions of this thread is so we got a home for all those great self-promotion comments that are posted throughout the forum. A one stop shop of Dick-swinging comments, if you will

The subject doesn't matter, and what they say may actually have some truth to it. But it's a dick-swing nonetheless. Only rule that comes to mind is. Porky cannot fill it up with Pedro's comments, otherwise we'll have half the forum reposted in this thread alone.

Don't exclude me either. If you see me with my pin-dick out 'n having a flick. Get it up in here as well. (y)
I don't even know how to post a post from another thread here!!

afghan bob

Community Member
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So weird u came up with thread, my grandson after copeius consumption of beers on sat night, proceeded 2 run away from a loonee who hung out his dick and chased him with it
In his drunken state 2 get away from offending dick he jumped over a fence which was a 3 metre drop 2 a carpark
The poor little bugger fractured both heel bones [not sure of medical term 4 said bones]
Coppers asked him 4 description of alleged boner and he got shits cause he reckons he's not a poof and didn't even look


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Lol, poor bugga. Hope he's doing OK?

Hell of a yarn, bit hard not to laugh though. šŸ˜€

afghan bob

Community Member
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Mate i thought was really funny until i saw him with both legs bound up with compression bandages and in wheel chair 4 six wks
Had no idea he was that homophobic
His mates been sending him dick picks just 2 rub it in
Moral of story, if someone comes at u swinging the old billygoat gruff with ballbag dragging in dirt.......just smile and point..........and then run like fuk

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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hey fuckhead @Billygoat, seeing how ya playing with me profile, why can't I put a pic in the cunt now



Staff member
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hey fuckhead @Billygoat, seeing how ya playing with me profile, why can't I put a pic in the cunt now

I will tell you a funny story.

Back when you were being a real pain in the arse, I had a custom user type added to the list in the admin panel.

Whilst it wasn't able to adopt all my preferred changes, one of them was to disable your ability to change your avatar pic. You were continually putting up nude pics in there if you remember.

Anyhoo, I cant actually remember what all the differences are, but good to see that particular one is working.

pedders custom user group.png

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
User ID
Yeah I forgot you are a poof who hates nude chick pics

Cool I'll just add a pic to me posts then

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