Medical growers License ?

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How do I get a license to get it happening? I have the coin. It's and application form? do you apply online? do I need a Barrister?

thanks boyz :unsure: (y)

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The man your mother warned you about.
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Send me half a million and I’ll print one up for you


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Have to do it in steps, just need to know where to start, I know I look like I fuck wit online! but this is what I want to do in the last part of my life!

I will build a the factory I worked for a building systems company as their IT over 4 states. I have plans! just need a little help.

I want to do some thing I LOVE before I die :)


Sultan Of Soil
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never done it myself but am aware of people who have & ended up moving the idea to Thailand from memory
yes you'll need a lawyer very familiar with the landscape your entering , start there for advice
do they still have that canna expo thingy in QLD & other states each year , there were law firms at those expos from memory
+1 billy


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never done it myself but am aware of people who have & ended up moving the idea to Thailand from memory
yes you'll need a lawyer very familiar with the landscape your entering , start there for advice
do they still have that canna expo thingy in QLD & other states each year , there were law firms at those expos from memory
+1 billy
How did them people do it in the Goulburn Valley? I smell it when I go past!
I know about Thailand my brothers missis from there (y)


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I haven't had a boss in 12 years, and yes my business generally turns over around 1 million per year at best (y)


Sultan Of Soil
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it wasn't a picking on you question
if you've run a business or are running a business with employees that's a good start
you need advice , lawyer advice , your not going to get much help speaking with unknown people on a oz forum


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Guessing now one has attempted this on the forum? :unsure: no one seems to know much so far! (y) looking like I will have to work it out...


Sultan Of Soil
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in fact it has been asked on a forum before can't remember if it was here or on oz stoners either way a forum is probably not the first place to go to if your looking to fork out a large sum of money on a cannabis business that has many deep pot holes you could find yourself & your hard earned dollars in , go to a lawyer & pay for advice & set a business plan form there


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in fact it has been asked on a forum before can't remember if it was here or on oz stoners either way a forum is probably not the first place to go to if your looking to fork out a large sum of money on a cannabis business that has many deep pot holes you could find yourself & your hard earned dollars in , go to a lawyer & pay for advice & set a business plan form there
I have half an idea, it's all cool now! thanks mate :cool: :ROFLMAO:

Aye Shroomer

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Why don’t you straight up ask the med canna companies. Like draft up a proper email and enquire about investing and or getting started. If it’s a proper business plan they won’t just fob you off as a stoner with high hopes.
Good luck with it.

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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Find out how legal Aussie gro ops are doing .
Costs to set up ,government fees and rules the list is horrendous.very over regulated to reem your ass.
Maybe if we went recreational you'd stand half a chance.
I know people with money that looked into it properly and they told me Aussie medical was a joke as a real investment.
They moved to U.S and opened a small grow op in Seattle
Another bloke I know who originally comes from Tassie
Farming family, says a family near by opened a grow op down Tassie some years ago .
Costing a small fortune to set up and up until know yet to turn a profit.
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