I have a query about my lights any input will help.


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Hi y’all i am wondering if two vipar spectra p1500 lights will go well for a 4x4 grow tent grow hoping so fingers crossed.

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that would be pushing it in a 3x3, but it won't cover a 4x4 in flower. You'd be looking for 30-40w per square foot.


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Hi y’all i am wondering if two vipar spectra p1500 lights will go well for a 4x4 grow tent grow hoping so fingers crossed.
it will do it but the quality will be shite. if your on a budget look into building a light. you could use 4x1120mm bridgelux thrive strips in 2700k from dig key paired with a 240 watt driver that would cover the other half for around $240 and use that with your p1500 or if budget can afford get a cutter 4x4 kit for around $500 that would punish any mars or fire farmer light and put you in the higher quality light results but you need to find some aluminum for heat sinks like aluminum box tube. my cutter kit kills it I get same results if not better than a mate that runs a HLG scorpion except I could build enough of these to run two 4x8 for the price of his one 4x4 and I can buy parts if anything fails but you have to be semi mechanically minded


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4x4 is 1.2mx1.2mx200cm high that correct man ?
That's correct. You'd be looking for 480-640w for that area.

If you already have the lights and tent though, there's no harm in vegging under them for a few weeks and upgrading for flower.

As pikey mentioned above, the two 1500s will do a superb job of flowering a 2x4.

If budget is a concern, vegging under the two 1500s and upgrading to a 600w HID in flower will do you better than the two 150w boards by a long shot.
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