Brisbane tap water for coco..??

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Yea it can get crazy here. During the last major floods our water got to an EC of 1-1.2. Over the years I haven't had too many issues that I'd put down to water quality and I think it's averaged around 0.4-0.5 ec/pH 7.5-8 with spikes here and there.

Anaken Moonwalk

User ID
Jesus!! WTF are they feeding us 🤪

Mines been pretty consistent the last couple of months at around 750. I cut the water for my first run with some rain water to get them through seedling stage but they're about to transition to a Brisbane city diet.

I've been going off the tutorials on the 'cocoforcannabis' website but he says not to use base water that is above 300 EC. Was worried it would play havoc at 750..

afghan bob

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I think most measures of ec in Aus are pretty standard compared to old way off measuring tds and ppm
Should make it universal through all states and countries


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EC readings are usually field recordings. Any time a sample is take and sent for analysis, you'll be getting a TDS mg/L result which is the industry standard for water quality testing. Reason being that water quality parameters aren't stable post sample - EC, pH, temp, DO, redox. They are all in field or insitu measurements. I'd be expecting a water quality report would have a combination depending on when/how analysed.


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Either way you look at it, that still seems high for Bris tap water.

750 on KCl ppm scale = 1.0 EC
750 on NaCl ppm scale (TDS) = 1.5 EC
and of course 750 EC is just insanity 🤪

I've lived in many different parts of Bris over the years and have generally found the shit out of the tap to be ~0.5 EC 🤷‍♂️

Anaken Moonwalk

User ID
Either way you look at it, that still seems high for Bris tap water.

750 on KCl ppm scale = 1.0 EC
750 on NaCl ppm scale (TDS) = 1.5 EC
and of course 750 EC is just insanity 🤪

I've lived in many different parts of Bris over the years and have generally found the shit out of the tap to be ~0.5 EC 🤷‍♂️
have you used the tap water in your grows/had any issues?


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Yeah, I initially was using RO when I first tried growing in coco, but quickly gave that the arse when I realised how often I needed to fertigate.

I changed over to tap water and didn't notice any difference other than less fucking around and a very slight saving in nutes (y)

Anaken Moonwalk

User ID
Yeah, I initially was using RO when I first tried growing in coco, but quickly gave that the arse when I realised how often I needed to fertigate.

I changed over to tap water and didn't notice any difference other than less fucking around and a very slight saving in nutes (y)
nice (y) that's good news


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nice (y) that's good news
The more important thing to know is what minerals are making up that ec rating. You should be able to get a water quality report from your water provider or you can get it tested at some pool shops or pet stores.

If it’s nothing major it’s not an issue, at most you might need to run higher ec to make up for the initial reading


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Not sure if it has changed since. But years ago, Northside water seemed more palatable than the water on the Southside of Brisbane. If that's still the case, folks might get slightly different results with their water between the two areas.
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