What's your TMO (trimming modus operandi)?


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Hello TSE peeps, hope you're all swell. What's your approach to trimming? Wet or dry? Entertainment? Setting? I got all excited about this thread and then realised how stoned I am/was but will soldier on.....so enjoying my new season I've got to tell you, so good.....hope all my other outdoor friends are too....

....anyway back to the thread. Back verandah. Comfy 2-seater couch. Laptop with one earbud in, the other ear is for listening to the outside world, mainly birds/dogs/cows & for any unexpected car up the drive, kerosene at the ready for odour control.....

......but moving on. Every year Brooklyn 99 is a tradition, as is Alan Watts and I also watch a lot of youtube videos. This year I also binged on Leading Britain's Conversation and Ren/The Big Push videos.....if you haven't seen their War Pigs cover, do yourself a favour.....

.....sorry getting back to the thread again. I quite enjoy trimming, meditative almost, I make time for it so it's a relaxed process.....I wet trim primarily because I like to inspect each bud for damage/mould and get rid of anything before I start the drying process and figure I may as well trim the trichome-less leaves off while I'm doing it.

Love to know how others approach this part of the grow?

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But when I do trim, it's nexpo, Fredrick Knudsen, barely sociable, JCS or Pad Chennington on YouTube.

If I really wanna get in the zone I get me inner nerd on and binge ninja nerd physiology lectures.

Aye Shroomer

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The last week of flower I trim while it’s still in the pots. The hang and dry trim the rest. It’s more of a touch up trim than a full haircut that way.
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I never used to trim but this year I went to the dark side.

Put on a movie. Finger pluck the bigger leaves and try and get through while still wet. Then use scissors. It seems much easier wet to me but time and volume made it hard to get through it all wet.

I enjoyed it somewhat, the mindfulness side of it and the feeling of satisfaction when done. Plus the finger hash as reward.

And save trim for hash, bubble,,, but this year I’m gonna try dry trim shake (?).


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Once a crop is done, i'll do a full manicure trim right there 'n then. But that's only because i like to do the cleaning up straight after a grow, and get the waste mowed into the lawn. Due to the A-hole QLD law that any Cannabis plant matter (roots, stem, whatever) over 500grams can be regarded as a commercial grow that brings a larger penalty.

But yeah, bonus with that method is you only have to dry 'n cure the buds, and do your hash runs with better trim.

Ideally though, you best dry the buds on the plant over the space of 10-14 days in a cool dark place, preferably low humidity around 60% and a room temp 17-20C (?).


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I too enjoy trimming in a sick kind of way,Put these up before, flowers are round.
Curved shears are the go.
Yes I fancy myself a decent trimmer but pig pharma don't pay enough! So they don't deserve my skill.🤪I like to trim in silence so i can hear that voice in my head!😝View attachment 34431
Absolutely agree, curved shears all the way & blunt tips also.....they look almost identical to a few of my pairs.


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Once a crop is done, i'll do a full manicure trim right there 'n then. But that's only because i like to do the cleaning up straight after a grow, and get the waste mowed into the lawn. Due to the A-hole QLD law that any Cannabis plant matter (roots, stem, whatever) over 500grams can be regarded as a commercial grow that brings a larger penalty.

But yeah, bonus with that method is you only have to dry 'n cure the buds, and do your hash runs with better trim.

Ideally though, you best dry the buds on the plant over the space of 10-14 days in a cool dark place, preferably low humidity around 60% and a room temp 17-20C (?).
Wow I didn't know that.....I wonder if it's the same in Vic. Clever mowing it into your lawn.

I hang mine on our clear blind enclosed verandah, lotsa airflow, with sheets to stop any direct sunlight and to mute the daylight, then into boxes, bud end up for a few days in the spare room (because I run out of room on the verandah but I also like the idea of slowly getting them used to being sealed in a jar).


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But when I do trim, it's nexpo, Fredrick Knudsen, barely sociable, JCS or Pad Chennington on YouTube.

If I really wanna get in the zone I get me inner nerd on and binge ninja nerd physiology lectures.
Wow cool, I have not heard of one of those channels.......not for long though. Thanks for sharing.


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I never used to trim but this year I went to the dark side.

Put on a movie. Finger pluck the bigger leaves and try and get through while still wet. Then use scissors. It seems much easier wet to me but time and volume made it hard to get through it all wet.

I enjoyed it somewhat, the mindfulness side of it and the feeling of satisfaction when done. Plus the finger hash as reward.

And save trim for hash, bubble,,, but this year I’m gonna try dry trim shake (?).
Haha good for you Harry, come join us sick fuckers 😉


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Wow cool, I have not heard of one of those channels.......not for long though. Thanks for sharing.
They are amazing channels to compliment the monotony of trimming.

Pads overview of "the caretaker: everywhere at the end of time" really got me in my feels. It's an incredibly heavy piece, but really puts into perspective how terrifying losing your identity through cognitive decline really is.


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I wet trim too, seems easiest. I always queue up some music documentaries about bands that clearly enjoyed some weed. But most important, I get a wood-fired smoker going outside. Yes, we have an awesome meal after trimming, but also those clouds of pecan wood and melting pork fat completely cover any suspicious smells wafting out of the house.


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Well, i absolutely hate trimming. I"ve had a broken neck twice and several spinal fusions. To me trimming is painful after more than 30 mins or so. I found the easiest way was to just trim it on the plant in the pot. Seems a bit quicker and just easier to manage IMO. Then i just cut the base and hang it


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I saw a clip on YouTube of a bloke using a bathroom exhaust fan on top of a 30 litre bucket and trimming when wet . Looked pretty good got rid of all the fan leaves and shit like that


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on a more specific note, I generally remove any leaves with exposed petioles just before I cut the plant down and hang it. The rest get dealt with rather haphazardly. Usually just run a small silicon basking brush over it roughly, and if its dry pretty much everything just crumbles off. Anything further is a quick once over with thin/pointy, curved manicure scissors.
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